Metaphor: ReFantazio, | Awaken Trailer Screenshot

Earlier today, ATLUS released a brand new trailer for Metaphor: ReFantazio and they also had a new showcase stream where they showed off a bit more of the game. You can find both the new Awaken trailer on its own and the full showcase stream, down below. Metaphor: ReFantazio is scheduled to launch this upcoming October 11th, 2024 for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC via both Windows and Steam. You’ll find more info about the game, as well as links to where you can pre-order a copy should you be interested, on the game’s official website.

Jenae R
Jenae is an RPG enthusiast who also enjoys cats, humidity-free warm weather, Dean Koontz books, Riichi Mahjong and a select handful of non RPG series and games. Two of her all-time favorite games are the original Shadow Hearts and Final Fantasy IX. She loves to ramble on about her numerous gaming opinions and is fortunate enough to be able to do it here at oprainfall.