Nintendo has put out an announcement basically announcing upcoming announcements. Furukawa, the President of Nintendo, has made a post on Twitter/X hopefully putting rumors surrounding the June Nintendo Direct and what they might announce, to rest. He’s announced that the upcoming June Nintendo Direct is strictly about Switch games releasing in the latter half of this year. They will not be announcing any Switch successor at that time. However, he states there will be an announcement made about the Switch successor sometime in the next fiscal year. Also, no exact date for the upcoming Nintendo Direct has been announced, he’s only said that there will be a June Nintendo Direct. Let us know in the comments what you think about this news and what you’re hoping for the Nintendo Switch successor.

Jenae R
Jenae is an RPG enthusiast who also enjoys cats, humidity-free warm weather, Dean Koontz books, Riichi Mahjong and a select handful of non RPG series and games. Two of her all-time favorite games are the original Shadow Hearts and Final Fantasy IX. She loves to ramble on about her numerous gaming opinions and is fortunate enough to be able to do it here at oprainfall.
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