Xenoblade Chronicles 3 | Manana Accused

While we here at Operation Rainfall love covering the latest in gaming news and sharing our reviews of titles new and classic, we also just enjoy playing games in our downtime. So with that, sit back, relax, and check out what the oprainfall gaming crew have been up to this week!

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 | Manana Accused
Manana would never!

I didn’t get as much time this past week as I would’ve liked to get further in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Nonetheless, I did make some progress at least. I’m not sure what part of the story I was at last week since I was extremely vague for the purpose of not discussing any significant spoilers. I can tell you though that I’m still in the middle, or perhaps nearing the end, of chapter 4 and have gone up from my prior 35 hours of playtime, to a total of about 50 hours. Once again, I somewhat switched between making periodic story progress and doing a bit of sidequesting along the way. I haven’t been doing every possible sidequest ever, I’ve mainly just been exploring and doing a few here and there. I’ve also unlocked a few extra classes and am trying to get them on certain characters who didn’t get them by default. Plus, my party is at level 52 at the moment. I have the option to raise them up a few more levels but I haven’t done it yet. XC3 is practically all I played this week. The only other gaming I got into includes, a little bit of Splatoon 2 and some Mahjong Soul. – Jenae

What games have you been playing this week? Let us know in the comments!

You can read previous Week in Gaming entries here!

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