Haven is and RPG brought to us from The Game Bakers. The story follows Yu and Kay, two lovers who have escaped to a forgotten planet. Survive together, restore the planet, and fight if you have to, as long as you stay together.
Today we have the footage from the PC Gaming Show, and a 5 minute gameplay video for you.
From PC Gaming Show:
5 Minutes of Gameplay
Haven will be available on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox Game Pass in 2020.
In Haven you share the journey of two lovers escaped to a lost planet in a desperate attempt to stay together. You play as Yu and Kay, gliding over the grasslands of a shattered planet, unraveling its mysteries as you look for a way to settle down.
Haven Key features:
- Play two characters at the same time, to explore, fight or in the dialogues!
- Glide over the grass, gather flow and clean the rust as you explore the fragmented planet.
- Fight with the two characters in real time and use tactical sense and timing.
- A romantic space adventure, the saga of two lovers trying to stay together against all odds.
- Play a couple, follow an intimate relationship treated with maturity and humour.
- Immediate to play, accessible, a pause in a busy day.
- A second player can join in or drop out anytime in co-op to share the adventure.
The game will be available for PC, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4 and Xbox Game Pass in 2020.
The Game Bakers is an independent game studio founded by Emeric Thoa and Audrey Leprince. The team strives to bring gamers experiences that will be remembered long after the game is finished. The studio is based in Montpellier, but the team works from distance in France and with collaborators around the world. Their track record outside of Haven includes frenzied bossfight game Furi, underwater tactical RPG Squids Odyssey and the mobile brawler Combo Crew. http://www.thegamebakers.com/