Editor’s Note: There are no previous winners listed since this was not a category we voted on last year.
Here we are, folks! It is time for the boys to show their stuff. Going from the charming to the angsty to the downright adorable! With three contenders, let’s find out who stands above the others. With that said, it’s just nice to appreciate a good boy or two as well!
Dante (Devil May Cry 5)
NA Release Date: March 8th, 2019
Platform(s): PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows (Steam)
Coming from the rear, Dante rushes out with his motorcycles and smooth dance moves. Okay, there is more to it than that but despite now being effectively old man Dante, he is a return to form with his charm and easygoing demeanor. Smile, laugh, and just have a good time with this old dude. Toast to you, Dante! Glad to have you back!
Dimitri (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
NA Release Date: July 26th, 2019
Platform(s): Nintendo Switch
Going from stylish to swelling darkness within his poor heart, is Dimitri! Want a strong and sincere lad? Perhaps mixed in with some mental madness that makes you understand the poor man? Then he is the one for you. Even if he is the angsty one in this competition, he is still revered as one of the best main characters in the series to date.
Astolfo (Fate/EXTELLA LINK)

NA Release Date: March 19th, 2019
Platform(s): PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows (Steam)
When I said downright adorable, this is who I as referring to. Not only that, but I should mention he’s quite innocent in character and indeed a boy. Astolfo is here to be one of the paladins of Charlemagne once more. This charming rider takes to the skies, securing victory for all around him with grace and style!
And the winner is…
Tada! The cute one is the winner of them all! Gramps and angst was just not enough for this adorable and charming lad! Sure Dante had style and Dimitri has a wonderful story to him, but I am pretty sure it is much harder to deny Astolfo’s ability to forget our worries away. Unless he can’t do that of course. But I think that would be a rarity, since look at those sparkles and smile! In any case, enjoy yourselves folks, see you next year as we ponder on who our favorites are for the year!