Nintendo confirms that last night’s 5.0 update for Nintendo’s robotic boxer ARMS will also be its last major content. However, balance updates are not ruled out and will be rolled out in the future to keep things smooth. As Google’s translation reads:

As a big update, this time will be the last update. Of course, we will continue to adjust the game balance in the future, so we hope you will continue to enjoy “ARMS“, which has become more lively as more fighters participate.

ARMS, as with Splatoon and its Switch sequel, has been updated routinely since its launch with new fighters, stages, and modes. The new 5.0 update introduces a new fighter, the mysterious Dr. Coyle, and her new stage named [REDACTED], new arms, and a host of balance fixes. The full list of update details can be seen below the trailer for Dr. Coyle.

New fighter “Dr. Coyle” is now available. Play the Grand Prix at LV6 or higher as someone other than Dr. Coyle and see what happens…
New ARM “Lokjaw” added.
New ARM “Parabola” added.
New ARM “Brrchuk” added.
New stage [NAME REDACTED] added.
For Grand Prix LV6 and lower, the computer will now get stronger as you get deeper into the Grand Prix.
For Grand Prix LV7, the computer will start out strong right from the first match, as usual.
You can now view stats from previous Party Crash events in “Stats.”
Added new badges related to Dr. Coyle.
Fixed issue in online play where the healing area created by HP Juice would sometimes shift position.
Adjusted abilities of some fighters and ARMS as follows.


Alex Irish
When he's not writing about games, Alex Irish is an illustrator and animation expert. His favorite gaming franchise is Pokémon, full-stop, but his favorite game of all time is Resident Evil 4. He attended the first-ever IGN House Party and is a five-time attendee of the Ottowa International Animation Festival.