NSFW Warning: While the titles here are primarily all-ages visual novels, please note that our linked reviews are based on the 18+ versions and do discuss the content. Additionally, Kindred Spirits on the Roof does contain softcore sexual content even its Steam release.

If you thought MangaGamer’s Thanksgiving Hardcopy Sale was the only deal the visual novel publisher had, think again.
MangaGamer is also participating in Steam’s Autumn Sale with almost everything being marked down by at least 10%. Here’s the breakdown:

With that many titles to choose from it’s easy to be overwhelmed. However, there’s something for everyone. Go ahead and consult the chart below for titles we’ve reviewed or that I’d personally recommend giving a look.
One final note, please keep in mind that some of these titles do have 18+ restoration patches available from MangaGamer for free. You can find those patches below:

And don’t forget the Steam Autumn Sale is still going on with most of our catalogue there on sale! https://t.co/8hpi7XMnws
— MangaGamer (@MangaGamer) November 24, 2017