A new trailer for the upcoming Nintendo Switch title Fire Emblem Warriors was revealed recently at Tokyo Game Show 2017. The trailer shows off some gameplay from a few different characters. These include two new characters that had not yet been confirmed for the game, Tiki and Caeda from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon. The game is set to release on October 20th, 2017, and is an exclusive to the Nintendo Switch. Be sure to check out the trailer below and let us know what you think of the game thus far.
Dalton McClain
A gamer at heart, and a creator by trade. As a shy kid who grew up in a small town, my only solace was with the games that I enjoyed playing. That being said I enjoy just about every type of game, but more than anything I love playing horror/unique games. I look forward to sharing my knowledge of the strange and unusual with the world.
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