Virtual Virtual Reality is a game that feels like a combination of the humor in Valve’s Portal mixed with some of the darkness inherent in the world of The Matrix. In Tender Claw’s game for the Google Daydream, A.I. is prevalent worldwide, and has made most jobs operated by humans to become automated as a result. However, A.I. needs companionship too, so humans are hired to act as ‘companions’ to the A.I. through the company Activitude. As a recent hire, you place on various VR headsets in the game to jump between different A.I. clients who have you doing various tasks such as buttering toast (while the A.I. berates you in the process). However, a mysterious being quickly lets you slip beneath the fabric of Activitude in order to expose the darkness within the company.

Virtual Virtual Reality is a game, to put it simply, that is made for the Google Daydream VR Controller. You point the motion controller at an object, and click on the motion controller to pick it up. You can then pull it towards or away from you via sliding your thumb across the touchpad. This makes one of the principal features of the game, pulling on various VR headsets to swap between A.I. clients/areas, feel effortless and realistic. The graphics are gorgeous, and I was simply impressed with how each A.I. I encountered, whether it be Chaz (my Activitude A.I. instructor) or the various clients, felt different and realistic despite not being remotely humanoid. As I dove further and further into the hands-on demo of Virtual Virtual Reality, I found myself being sucked more and more (pun very much intended- you are equipped early on with a vaccuum attachment that sucks up the A.I.’s virtual world) into the mystery surrounding Activitude and the various VR worlds that seem never-ending and are only a VR headset away.

In other words, this demo showed that Virtual Virtual Reality is a marquee VR title for Google Daydream, and I honestly cannot wait to see what else Tender Claws will put out next.

Virtual Virtual Reality is available for purchase on the Google Daydream now.
Have you picked up Virtual Virtual Reality? What do you think of the Google Daydream?
Let us know in the comments below!