If you are looking to get into Fairy Tail, now is the time! The new Humble Manga Bundle is now live and for $1 you can get Fairy Tail volumes 1-5 and a discount on a Funimation Subscription. Of course there is also way more Fairy Tail goodness if you donate more money. The higher payment tiers will give you access to more Fairy Tail books including Fairy Tail Zero, Fairy Tail Blue Mistal, Fairy Tail Girls, Fairy Tail: Swimsuit Issue and The Fairies’ Booby Prizes. The charities being supported for this bundle are the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation Inc. and the Electronic-Frontier Foundation.
You can check out the bundle here. As of this writing the Bundle will be up for another 13 days so be sure to check it out soon if you are interested. These are DRM-free digital versions of the manga in .pdf, ePUB and CBZ format so you can read these on any device that can support them.