Nintendo announced today during its E3 press event that a new Yoshi title is in development and slated for a 2018 release. Gameplay footage showed off the 2.5D stylized game, as Yoshi traverses a world built with cardboard, boxes, and toys, materials reminiscent of a kid’s bedroom filled with arts and crafts. Contrasted with that were more organic environments made of sand and rocks, suggesting a playground or suburban backyard. The imaginative feel these locales give off is reminiscent of Yoshi’s Wooly World, while the size and scope hearken back to Pikmin.

Gameplay included platforming across these man-made and natural environments, using 3D depth for some clever breaks in a seemingly linear path. A simple tear in a piece of paper may indicate that hidden path or extra is near. It also showed more than one Yoshi during play, perhaps alluding to some form of multiplayer or comp controlled buddy system.

We’ll post more details as they become available, so stay tuned to oprainfall!