Super Lucky Tail

Adapted from the Oculus Rift title of the same name, Super Lucky’s Tale will launch with the Xbox One X on November 7. While the original game is a VR platformer, this new version/reimagining is a traditional 3D platformer. Lucky also bears a striking resemblance to the 90’s era of character-driven platformers like Banjo-Kazooie and Super Mario 64.

The throwback to 90’s 3D platformers has been on a real kick of late, as games like Yooka-Laylee, A Hat in Time, and Super Mario Odyssey stake a claim in the lost genre. Super Lucky’s Tale will join them this November.


Alex Irish
When he's not writing about games, Alex Irish is an illustrator and animation expert. His favorite gaming franchise is Pokémon, full-stop, but his favorite game of all time is Resident Evil 4. He attended the first-ever IGN House Party and is a five-time attendee of the Ottowa International Animation Festival.