There is a huge sale going on right now on The Humble Store featuring multiple Idea Factory IP’s, such as Amnesia: Memories, Trillion: God of Destruction, Fairy Fencer F, and even the lovable Neptunia games and spinoffs. The mix of both full games and DLC range anywhere from 40% – 80% off. This is a steal for anyone who has yet to play any of these great games. The sale can be found here, and only lasts until January 26th. That’s only 3 days to purchase them at these prices. A steal like this doesn’t come around too often, so be sure to get these games while you still can.

Dalton McClain
A gamer at heart, and a creator by trade. As a shy kid who grew up in a small town, my only solace was with the games that I enjoyed playing. That being said I enjoy just about every type of game, but more than anything I love playing horror/unique games. I look forward to sharing my knowledge of the strange and unusual with the world.
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