Hey guys and gals! This is gonna be a really short episode of the Nintendo Download. Mostly that’s cause this week doesn’t have a lot of new stuff on offer, but the upside of that is it means many of the games on sale last week are still on sale this week! So if any of the bargains I posted last time look tantalizing, then you owe it to yourself to pick them up stat! As for the other stuff this week, there is only a small handful to mention, so let’s get cracking!
Oh classic Mario Kart games. I love and hate them in equal measure. I have a lot of fond memories of Mario Kart 64, even though some of those memories involve me screaming in rage as I got knocked off Rainbow Road by my friends. Still, this was a mainstay on my N64, and it’s definitely worth owning on your Virtual Console if you don’t have your old N64 console ready to go. Lots of fun and diverse courses, challenging AI and the inception of everyone’s least favorite weapon, the Blue Shell. Let the retro fun begin!

The other major release this week is another Virtual Console title, but of a classic SNES game – Castlevania Dracula X!

Castlevania Dracula X was an interesting entry in the classic series. In many ways this was a watered down version of Rondo of Blood, but it was still a compelling experience in it’s own right. If you enjoyed challenging boss battles and brutal difficulty, great SNES graphics and branching paths, then you should give this a shot. Just because Konami has killed the series doesn’t mean you can’t relive the fun of some of their classic games!

So that’s actually pretty much it for this week. If you are interested in stuff on sale, click here. Otherwise there is really nothing else new other than a couple of new Pokemon Themes for your viewing pleasure. Here’s hoping a bunch of new goodies are ready for our gaming pleasure in the new year. See you in 2017 for the next Nintendo Download here at oprainfall!