
The very first mobile-based Mario, Super Mario Run, is set to release soon on iPhone and iPad. Nintendo revealed some final details on what the plumber’s mobile outing will include. New features like Kingdom Builder and Toad Rally were revealed as well alongside the standard endless runner format. The basic gameplay is that Mario runs automatically, and you can tap to jump, or hold down to jump higher. There is an element of timing to have Mario dodge and perform more acrobatic moves such as a long jump. Power-ups also exist with staples like Mushrooms and Stars. Two other gameplay formats exist in the form of Toad Rally, and Kingdom Builder. Toad Rally is a two player format with both players trying to collect the most coins, while Kingdom Builder allows players to create and design their own Mushroom Kingdom with buildings and objects from the Mario universe. The two modes are actually connected to each other, as the coins from Toad Rally are used to purchase the objects for Kingdom Builder; additionally, Toads who watch the race can live in your kingdom.

Currently, it is unknown if Super Mario Run will be released on other mobile devices like Black Berry, though it is known that an Android release will happen much later. The app will retail at $9.99, though users will be able to try out some features for free before buying the complete package.


Arvind Radakrishnan
Arvind is a YouTube Let's Player who aspires to become a future programmer in a gaming company. He enjoys doing many things game related from cosplay, collectibles, making videos of them and some variants of games. He plays action/adventure, survival horror, and RPGs mainly.