Is it just me, or is it getting harder and harder to patiently wait for Pokémon Sun and Moon to release? Seems to me like every time Game Freak unveils a new tidbit, I start salivating over it and getting more excited. I’ve pretty much gone a complete 360 from not caring about Sun / Moon when it was initially announced to thinking of it as the next great Pokémon adventure.
On that note, Game Freak has shown off a new trailer, and it’s a good one. It starts out by showing off the mid tier evolutions of the starter Pokémon. Adorable Rowlet becomes svelte Dartrix. His typing is the same, Grass / Flying, but it is definitely abandoning cute for cool.
Litten, my favorite Fire starter in quite some time, becomes the bushy Torracat. Equipped with Blaze, this cat is somehow more mischievous looking, with just a bit more pride showing.
And last and definitely least, Popplio becomes Brionne. Somehow the Water starter has become even more effeminate. It now wears a dress and is still equipped with Torrent. Unless the last evolution completely redeems it, I’m not invested in poor Popplio at all. Which is sad, cause I’m typically a Water guy, but I have switched to Fire a couple times before.

Besides the excitement of new evolutions, the trailer also discussed the Festival Plaza. This feature lets you use communication features and earn coins by fulfilling player requests. These coins can then be utilized in various shops. More interesting, to me at least, was the Poké Pelago
This is for Pokémon in your PC Boxes. One of the areas in the Pelago is Isle Abeens, a place where you can attract wild Pokémon. Isle Aphun lets your Pokémon search for valuable items, such as elemental stones. And lastly, Isle Evelup (get it?) lets your Pokémon train and get stronger, allowing you to feed them drinks to increase their stats. Very last was the announcement of a Special Demo of Pokémon Sun / Moon, which will be available as of October 18th, a mere month before the full release. Play with Greninja and have him transform into Ash Greninja, which you can then transfer to the full game.
If you weren’t already excited about Pokémon Sun and Moon, then watch the trailer yourself and start counting the days! And stay tuned to oprainfall for more Pokémon news.