
A new zombie game is on the rise, this time with fanservice. School Girl Zombie Hunter is being published by D3 Publisher, and developed by Tamsoft. In addition, this game will be set in the Onechanbara universe, where slaying zombies in revealing clothing is already common.

The game will be set after a zombie outbreak. As expected, play as one of five schoolgirls who need to survive by killing the zombies through the power of guns. Given some of the screenshots, destructible clothing and elements similar to Onechanbara are expected. Though when stripped, that will attract even more zombies; I have no idea why. In addition, D3 Publisher has a teaser website.

School Girl Zombie Hunter is set for release in Japan on January 12th, 2017.

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Jonathan Falu
I am currently a college student at Temple University as a MSP major in Emergent Media, and wish to one day be a paid video game critic. I currently do video reviews on the channel The Smartest Moron on Youtube over here: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheSmartestMoronReviews