This week’s episode of Berserk has Guts continuing on his own business while holding Lady Farnese captive. They eventually stumble upon a fortress and it is here that we start learning a bit more about Guts’ motives and that mysterious brand on his neck. He is out to go kill Apostles these weird cursed beasts that are incredibly deadly. We are introduced to our first one in this episode. It was rather gruesome. The monster was also doing everything in its power to get ahold of Lady Farnese. Of course Guts was not about to let that happen so you can take a wild guess what ended up happening to this beast.

Farnese in a panic, runs away only to encounter a certain horse that fans of the series are very familiar with. Guts defeats this monster as well and Farnese eventually is rescued by one of the Holy Chain Knights but by this point she is so traumatized by what happened she no longer wants anything to do with Guts. In fact she wants him dead. This episode took some liberties from the original work especially considering that the first apostle was different than in the manga. It also served to show just the kind of nonsense Guts has to deal with on a daily basis during his travels.

Animation wise, it was an improvement over the last two episodes. The action scenes actually looked pretty good this time and we got a sense for how fearless and violent Guts is. Of course poor Lady Farnese gets the short end of the stick in this episode as a while bunch of horrible stuff happened to her. I couldn’t help but feel bad for her. Heck, she spends the majority of the episode topless and it is not by choice. I look forward to seeing episode 4 and what kind of monstrosities the Black Swordsman is up against.