Lucky Star is an anime that stood out as one of the top comedies in the anime community. Funimation has now released the classic anime on Blu-ray and DVD for all to enjoy.
The release will contain the entire show, including the OVA on a total of 3 Blu-ray and 5 DVD disks. Additionally, some cast interview are included in the special features.
You can watch the announcement trailer below:
Funimation Details the show:
What’s the best way to eat dessert? Do twins really have a psychic connection? What kind of guys are into moe girls? These are the kinds of questions that float through the inquisitive mind of anime super-fan Konata Izumi. When she’s not lost in her favorite manga or logging hours in one of her online games, she’s debating the mysteries of the universe with the best friends a girl could ask for.
And while they might not share Konata’s refined eye for anime tropes and trivia, she doesn’t hold it against them. After all, Miyuki Takara is a precious moe dream girl, and twin sisters Tsukasa and Kagami are always there when she needs a helping hand or a notebook to copy homework from (even if Kagami insists on being totally tsundere about it). At the end of the day, Konata could look far and wide, but she’d never find a better group of girls to get her through the horrors of high school!
Lucky Star – The Complete Series + OVA – is available now on Blu-ray and DVD from Funimation.