From the pile of retro 2D shoot ’em ups comes Huntdown, which is here to seek out your nostalgia factor. The two lead devs, Tommy Gustafsson and Andreas Rehnberg, derived a lot of inspiration from 80s arcade games and the cassette-era of consoles. The noir sci-fi aesthetic has a Gemini Rue feel to it whereas the blood and action scream Metal Slug. Unfortunately the awkward-rhyming, not-‘jive’-enough narrator ruins the self-referential feel the trailer was going for.
The actual game looks interesting enough; you’re a mercenary out rid the city of four themed gangs. Some of the designs for the thugs are entertaining, like the hockey-clad punks of ‘The Misconducts.’ A simple cover mechanic adds some strategy to the game while a wide variety of guns awaits the player.

Huntdown currently has no solid release other than ‘2016’ and it’s coming to many platforms: PC, iOS, Android, and the very unspecific ‘consoles.’ We’ll see if this shooter is one you should hunt down or leave alone.