After a successful foray onto mobile platforms, the Harvest Moon franchise is returning to Nintendo’s handheld system. The newest entry in the series, Harvest Moon: Skytree Village, is set to land on Nintendo 3DS sometime this fall.
The game features an entirely new storyline that tasks players with the restoration with seven legendary Skytrees, which make the town so iconic by bringing prosperity and power to the surrounding area. You can play as a boy or girl, woo a bachelor/bachelorette of your choice, and start your own family. There are many new character, crops and flowers to discover, and new fishing mechanics.
Many people used to live in Skytree Village, but times have changed in the Oasis of the Harvest Goddess. As the power of the Harvest Goddess began to fade, the land went from green, lush, and healthy, to a parched, dry wasteland. It’s up to you to help restore the land to its former beauty.
Harvest Moon: Skytree Village features user-friendly tutorials allowing players to immediately jump into the thick of things. Customize your farm, raise and lower the land, create rivers and ponds, and more. Upgraded tools can assist farmers and make the job more efficient. You’ll also need to make time to take care of your newest herd animal, the Poitou Donkey.