Croteam and Devolver Digital announced today at the E3 PC Gaming Showcase that yet another shooter was going into VR with the Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope. As the titular character announces ‘It’s time for things to get seriously real’ we see a few scenes that remind me a lot of Serious Sam 3: BFE. But the series’ humor shines through with guns floating in VR without any arms and the famous scream of the Headless Kamikaze grunts. Some other notable parts were the ability to dual wield two completely different guns, the usual barrage of lots o’ enemies, and a weird interactive display section ripped straight out of Minority Report.

Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope enters Steam early access this summer and will be compatible with Vive and AMD’s LiquidVR. Maybe the next old school shooter to get the VR treatment will be Duke Nukem. Then again, maybe we should spare the world from Duke Nukem: 4VR-ever.