Breath of Fire

A published Q&A summary regarding their fiscal year shows Capcom admits they have not been properly using a number of IPs. In one of their answers the game company says they plan to make some changes in their game policies. One of them being, to put game quality ahead of making development deadlines. Capcom also addressed how some properties were not used at full potential or the lack of use.

“We also possess a vast library of content in which there remains multiple IP that have not yet been utilized to their full potential—these issues we will handle moving forward. Moreover, we will endeavor for further profitability improvements and unit sales growth by releasing all titles finished to a high level of quality”.

I think all of us can think of a couple games from Capcom the statement can apply to. Hopefully, this might mean we’ll be seeing some of these changes in the future. If you want to see the rest of the questions and answers from the summary the link to it is below.


Walter P
Plays too much, but still has too many games to finish. Will play any type of game and will watch anything, so is of course not good at being productive. Loves anything crazy.