Nippon Ichi Software’s latest action/RPG World’s Longest 5 Minutes received a write up in the latest edition of Famitsu magazine. The game stars the amnesiac Back Flashback as he fights the evil Demon King to save the world. Accompanying the hero is his faithful party: the magical minstrel Regent Nightfever, the polite monk Yotsuba Shirotsumekusa, and the klutzy martial artist Yuzu Nanakorobi. Not only are these people your friends but they’re with you all the way in the final battle that will decide the world’s future!

Yes, the game takes place during the last boss fight that will apparently last 5 minutes. In these action sequences Back must converse with his allies and even his greatest foe to regain his past. Within his returning memories the RPG elements come out and these segments determine how strong you will be with the battle with the Demon King. These flashbacks for, er, Flashback will also decide the armor he’s carrying and will somehow have a way of making his memories more beautiful. Maybe this signals that there will be multiple endings.

Unfortunately this is currently a Japan only title but Nippon Ichi Titles have had a habit of making it over to the West. World’s Longest 5 Minutes comes out exclusively on the PS Vita on July 26th and will receive a digital version and a physical collector’s version. We’ll make sure to follow this one and report on any news and hope for an English localization.