The Nintendo of America Twitter account has offered some exciting news to Hyrule Warriors fans. Nintendo has continued to roll out content for both the Wii U version and the recently-released 3DS port Hyrule Warriors Legends and will continue to do so throughout the year. The second DLC pack will include a character most would have never expected to make another appearance in a Zelda game (spinoffs included) since she’s been gone from the franchise since 1993 (or 1998 with the DX version): Marin from The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening.
Marin is a very significant character in the Game Boy title, and could even be considered a love interest for Link in the original game as she reminds Link of Zelda due to bearing a resemblance to her. Link’s Awakening was quite plot-heavy for a Game Boy game at the time, and colorful, developed characters like her were influential on the rest of the series according to an old Iwata Asks interview a few years back. It’s definitely great to see her return in Hyrule Warriors! We’ll be sure to keep you posted when the inevitable trailer shows her in action.