Viz media has some great news for Pokemon fans particularly those of you who enjoy the comics. A release of the Pokemon Pocket Comic series will be coming out and Pokemon X and Y will be starting in December! Check out more information on both releases in this Press Release:
POKÉMON fans have two exciting releases to look forward to this fall! Coming October is the collected POKÉMON POCKET COMICS Vols. 1 & 2 Box Set, and in December, the latest in the line will debut, POKÉMON X • Y POCKET COMICS! Filled with adorable 4-panel comics and vital statistics, trivia, puzzles and more, these additions to the VIZ Media POKÉMON roster will be perfect for fans of the game, or for those wanting a compact bit of comic fun!
POKÉMON is one of the most successful international entertainment franchises of all time, with more than 275 million video game titles and over 21.5 billion trading cards sold to date across the world! VIZ Media is the official North American publishers for the POKÉMON manga (featuring an extensive roster of titles), and also distribute the beloved POKÉMON animation & feature films!

SOURCE: Press Release