Bravely Second: End Layer was released in Europe today. The Square Enix and Silicon Studios’ developed RPG has an art book packed with it’s Deluxe Collectors’ Edition among other items.
However, the 250-page art book is a reproduction of Design Works The Art of Bravely 2013-2015 a book some fans might already have imported from Japan or bought from and a local Japanese merchant. A twitter user helped verify a few changes made to the art book.
Firstly, multiple images of heroine Agnés Oblige drawn with her hands behind her back. These images were removed in the localized art book.

Secondly, on Page 141, a bloody image of character Geist has been removed.

A strange inclusion in the art book is the Native American tomahawk class for character Aimme. These images were left in, but the game altered the job class to be a cowboy instead.

These are the only edits so far, but thank you to NintedoTweet.
Bravely Second: End Layer is out now on 3DS in EU and will release in NA on April 15.
thanks, wiiUandMii
New edits have been uncovered by NintendoTweet. In the Japanese art book the Agnes is shown tied up with red ribbon. This page has been taken out and replaced by an extended version of the previous page.