Massively popular Japanese romantic comedy otome visual novel series Uta no Prince-sama, which has released on PSP, is headed West to the PS Vita. Developed by Nippon Ichi Software and published by Broccoli, the series will be released in order, along with additional elements not found in the PSP versions of the game. The initial game we will be getting is called Uta no Prince-sama Repeat, which is a remake of the original PSP game. There are at least seven other games in the series, so if the first debut is popular stateside, we may be getting a lot more of them. Hell, maybe we’ll even get some of the anime and manga adaptations if they really do well. Good news for fans of otome games and VN’s in general.
Josh Speer
Josh is a passionate gamer, finding time to clock in around 30-40 hours of gaming a week. He discovered Operation Rainfall while avidly following the localization of the Big 3 Wii RPGs. He enjoys SHMUPS, Platformers, RPGs, Roguelikes and the occasional Fighter. He’s also an unashamedly giant Mega Man fan, having played the series since he was eight. As Head Editor and Review Manager, he spends far too much time editing reviews and random articles. In his limited spare time he devours indies whole and anticipates the release of quirky, unpredictable and innovative games.
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