Ladies and gentlemen, take this only as seriously as you wish. It’s time for Last Week’s King and Kong.
A lot of good choices with all the news coming out of the Tokyo Game Show. Be sure to check out the Wrap-Up if you missed any of it.
However, this week’s King goes to NostalgiCO, developers of the crowdfunded project Cryamore. They get the nod this week after receiving some amazing support from one of our favorite publishers, Atlus.
Yes, Atlus — the company that people were worried wouldn’t be able to publish and localize great RPG experiences after being bought by SEGA in 2013, including several of us here — is continuing their tradition of publishing and localizing great RPG experiences. Obviously, this isn’t a localization, but this isn’t the first time they’ve helped a crowdfunding game. Earlier this year, they helped publish the Eden Industries game Citizens of Earth.

Atlus also gets royal treatment this week with the deal they made with NostaliCO. The developer will get to keep the rights to the IP, which will include any future installments. Meanwhile, Atlus will help with quality assurance, public relations, and distribution. Sounds like a good deal for NostalgiCO.
Kong comes in the form of a gaffe from a news outlet. There was an interesting misstep done by a member of the media when talking about Nintendo defending its IP a couple weeks ago. When defending Nintendo taking down videos featuring ROM hacks and Tool-Assisted Speedruns, the author said this.
I’m not going to go after them because of this. After all, these were people that abused the product they bought.
Wow. Completely missed the point that those people pirated the game instead of buying it. I wonder what idiot wrote that.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is why you have a second pair of eyes look over your work when you’re tired. I guess the only defense I have is that the people that put the ROMs online probably bought the game and should be taken to court for creating this black market.
Geez, that was a pretty bad mistake on my part. If only there was an equally bad gaffe by someone else to deflect the attention from me.
Hello, bigger target.
So, Destructoid did something pretty stupid last week. And it stems from a tweet. Check it out, and pay particular attention to the Twitter handle.

One, how were you unable to notice that the handle was misspelled? Even if t’s and l’s are similar, this is something you should’ve double checked. And even if you noticed it, two, what were you doing following an @ninlendoamerica? You do know NOA has its own Twitter account, right?
So yeah, Destructoid and I share the burden this week. A lesson in double checking things for all.
Agree with the choices? Have you own picks for King and Kong? Let us know what you think in the comments.