Who remembers the Atari Jaguar? Anyone? While the Atari Jaguar is not making a comeback, there is a new video game console in the works with similar looks and is inspired by the old Jaguar. There is an indiegogo page for the Retro VGS or Retro Video Game System. The system will be a cartridge based system just like the good old days. According to the page, the idea for the Retro VGS was born in response to the frustrations players face with the current generation of consoles such as patches and updates. The page has a goal of under 2 million dollars and as of this article is 3% funded with 43 days left for the campaign. The system will have both analog and digital connections as well as 9 pin and USB ports for the system’s controllers.
What games are planned for the Retro VGS? Currently, the console will launch with Gunlord, Adventures in the Towers of Flight, Read Only Memories, Knight’s Chance, Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death, and Songbringer. There are other games currently in pending for the system such as Double Dragon Trilogy and Pier Solar. The Retro VGS has already received a key endorsement from Wayforward Director, Matt Bozon. He released the following statement:

The biggest challenge for the Retro VGS is obtaining enough funds to produce the system and to make it a viable and profitable venture as cartridges are more expensive to produce. Are you interested in the Retro VGS? Do you plan to fund the console? Is Wayforward’s endorsement of the Retro VGS important? Do you believe there is a viable market for the Retro VGS or do you believe the market is not big enough? Share us your thoughts and comments below.