I had to do some research about Cyramore, which is strange since, if you know me, you know I’m obsessed with cool Kickstarter projects. They usually don’t slip past my radar, try as I may to spare my wallet, and I typically end up throwing money at them one after another. At least, if they meet certain pedigrees. They have to have a unique hook, nostalgic vibe or great art. Thus when I saw the art style for Cryamore, I was shocked it had skipped my notice. However, this action RPG, funded back in 2013 with almost 4 times the initial funding goal, has both good and bad news. First, the bad news is that it has been pushed back to a 2016 release date. The good news? It got some support in the form of an amazing publisher!

Yes that’s right, none other than Atlus has stepped in to assist Cryamore with quality assurance, PR, and marketing and distribution. Best of all, the Cryamore IP will remain in the hands of the team who started the Kickstarter. So, much like with Citizens of Earth, all Atlus is doing is helping a well made game reach its full potential while looking stylish and savvy. Another nice facet of this partnership is that Cryamore will now be released on pretty much ALL platforms. It will hit PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, Xbox One and Wii U. The only downside? Most likely, it won’t be coming to mobile now. But after looking at the project and animations, I think that’s for the best.

Despite not being familiar with Cryamore before today, I feel this is a match made in heaven. The NostalgiCO crew can’t help but benefit from it, and Atlus will continue to expand their already prodigious brand of awesome RPG experiences. Keep checking in with oprainfall in the coming months for more Kickstarter news. And if you’re unfamiliar with Cryamore, check out the Kickstarter link below. I know I’ll be waiting ’til I can get myself a copy!