Mega Man Legacy Collection is currently available for digital download on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One. However, Capcom has special plans for the Nintendo 3DS release scheduled for early next year.
Challenges are an important part of Legacy Collection. They are spliced segments of stages across the six NES Mega Man games. It’s both novelty and a chance to push yourself as a player. The Nintendo 3DS version of the game will have ten Challenges exclusive to the platform. These can only be accessed through usage of the Mega Man amiibo.
These ten Challenges will be chosen by Capcom in a contest being held from now until September 25th. Here are the rules, courtesy of the Capcom-Unity post announcing the contest:
-This contest is open to residents of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, North America, Central America and South America aged 18 or over. Each person may submit once, so make your submission count!
-Design your own Mega Man challenge! Your challenge may include up to ten “sections.” These sections may span any of the six games—they can all be from one game, or you can mix up sections from various games. Your challenge may of course include fewer than ten sections, but should include at least five.
In order to specify the “sections” referred to above, Capcom-Unity linked to a series of longplays for each of the six Mega Man games. For each section, name a beginning timestamp and an ending timestamp from one of the longplays to offer one section.
When submitting your Challenge proposal, you’ll also have to specify if Mega Man will have access to special weapons or not. But come on now, do the cool thing: no weapons.
For links to the longplay templates to be used for creating your sections, and for the e-mail address and subject line to direct your submissions, check out the Capcom-Unity post linked here.