Gravity Daze 2 has been announced for the PlayStation 4 and is set to release in 2016. The trailer shows off Kat from the first game in the series back in action! No word on a Western release. Share this:FacebookLinkedInPinterestTumblrN4GRedditMastodonXBlueskyLike this:Like Loading... Related Operation Rainfall Contributor A contributor is somebody who occasionally contributes to the oprainfall website but is not considered an oprainfall author. Related Articles Channels RUMORS Wii U RUMOR: Nintendo to Announce Wii-U Launch / Price This Fall June 28, 2012March 11, 2013 Jonathan Higgins This information comes from an investor who attended the Nintendo Share Holder Meeting that took place not too long ago: Channels News PC Dead Cells Gets Barrels o’ Fun Update August 11, 2020 Aaron Evangelisti In a press release put out today by Motion Twin and Evil Empire they've announced that a new update Channels FEATURED News PS3 Vita Dragon’s Crown Newest Trailer Released, Pre-order Item Unveiled March 21, 2013March 22, 2013 David Fernandes Atlus of Japan has recently released a a new trailer for Dragon’s Crown that showcases Vanillaware's tools of trade, with the Post navigation Project Diva Future Tone Revealed for PS4REVIEW: Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson