Unlike many folks, I’ve been a fan of 20XX since it was called Echoes of Eridu. In the transition, it’s made a lot of improvements, especially visually speaking. While the core concept of a Mega Man roguelike remains unchanged, it got a very nice visual facelift, and the core gameplay controls seem well implemented. There has been some flak about this visual change in the online community, but as a fan from the very beginning, I think it looks great. For comparison, below is an original image of it when it was called Echoes of Eridu, followed by a recent screenshot from the Beta build.

Though it’s hard to put into words, I would say the new visual style has aspects of Gunstar Heroes mixed with classic Mega Man X aesthetics. Which looks utterly beautiful, in my opinion. It’s perhaps more cartoony than before, but that’s really not a problem for this sort of game. And lest folks be worried that the cartoony aesthetic means it will be easier, rest assured. 20XX is tough as nails, and forces the player to be at the top of their platforming game.

As our impressions piece already established, you can play the game as either a female blue bomber or male swordsman. The co op also works very well, and I was able to play with a partner who helped me make quick work of the mini bosses and enemies we fought. However, no amount of team work makes those platforms any easier to navigate, not least of all because of the roguelike nature of the game. However, the game is still quite fun, and plays very well on a XBox controller.

Overall, I was quite pleased with the progress of 20XX. The controls and gameplay mechanics are instantly familiar to any fan of Mega Man, and the visuals are starting to look distinctly their own. Though the wait is difficult, fans of the game can pick the full game up possibly as early as 2016, though the Beta is already out. After the frustrating delays of other Mega Man styled Kickstarters, I am really looking forward to 20XX. To see more of how it plays, take a gander at the trailer below!