Heads up for everyone that enjoys the kinds of niche titles that we here at Oprainfall can’t get enough of. Retroism is having a Steam key Labor Day Sale on a lot of titles from Koei Tecmo, as well as the two Hyperdimension Neptunia Re:Birth games and a whole host of others. If you visit the site, you can cash in on some solid deals right now. And in addition to getting some wonderful games in their own right, if you purchase any of the Koei Tecmo offerings, you get three Sid Meier games (Sid Meier’s Pirates! and Pirates! Gold, Sid Meier’s Colonization and Sid Meier’s Covert Action) that have been bundled into what they’re calling a ‘Classic Explorer Pack‘ for free! Additionally, if you pick up Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence, you get three scenario DLC packs at no extra cost. And there’s a lot more going on over there, too. Do yourself a favor and go get some great games at good prices!

Tom Tolios
Really smart, talks too much, loves the video games and the Star Wars and the Game of Thrones, likes the manga and some anime and knows that Kentaro Miura's Berserk is the greatest thing ever made.
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