Nothing more, nothing less, here’s the trailer of Xenoblade Chronicles X, from Nintendo’s Youtube itself. Xenoblade Chronicles X was also shown at Nintendo’s E3 Digital Event 2015. Xenoblade Chronicles X is the game this entire site is waiting for, essentially. Enjoy!

Lois Polite
Lois is a forward thinking but old school gamer from New Jersey (who loves Kevin Smith movies as a member of that state!) who is partially of Japanese descent and she's totally glamorous. She's been gaming for practically as long as she's been alive with a early-on fascination for Kid Icarus as her favorite franchise. She's a total hipster for Nintendo as well appreciating cult classics from them. She definitely has a soft spot for JRPGs, which is an obvious inspiration why she joined the campaign of Operation Rainfall at it's launch. Xenoblade Chronicles then became another one of her favorite franchises as the result of this. She's a gamer who demands quality and charm out of her games because if she doesn't get it she will let it be known.
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