Some good news for Shenmue III came today. Gio Corsi officially announced during one of their E3 livestreams Sony is going to help at least partially fund and develop Shenmue III. This is good news for Ys Net and Yu Suzuki, the inital development studio and developer of Shenmue III. Having both Sony’s resources and their assistance during the development process should help get Shenmue III developed faster and hopefully get the game out to market sooner. Only time will tell if the funding and development boost will make a significant impact or only make a slight impact on the game. Shenmue III has receiving overwhelming positive reception since its announcement during Sony’s E3 press conference. The Kickstarter has already raised over 2 million dollars with 31 days to go. There are still a few stretch goals that have not been broken yet such as an expanded village and a skill tree system for the game.
Are you excited to see Shenmue III receive assistance from Sony while the game is under development? Have you funded the game on Kickstarter yet? Do you plan to back Shenmue III? Share us your thoughts and reactions.