Remember the other day when I said Vita games keeping popping out of nowhere and suddenly captivating me utterly? Like with Axiom Verge? Well, today another game has done so, called Curses n Chaos. Made by indie developer Tribute Games, with epic retro tunes by Patrice Bourgault, it looks to be a magnificent tribute (pun intended) to great retro games of days long past.
It would seem a sketchy looking wizard dude has cursed the main characters, and the only way to break it is to beat the everloving crap out of hordes of monsters, from skeletons to ghosts to frogs to robots. It sounds silly, and it is, but it also looks incredibly fun. Even the opening song, which borrows heavily from games such as Castlevania and Ghouls & Ghosts while still adding its own twists, got me hyped for Curses n Chaos. I mean, how can you not love a game with dance breaks?
What has me truly captivated by this game is the masterful pixel art that just looks leaps and bounds beyond what you would think retro capable of, not unlike Shovel Knight. On the official Tribute Games website they have confirmed it is indeed coming soon to the Vita, as well as PS4 and Steam, but no solid release date yet. Until then, take a gander at this lovely trailer and try not to drool.