Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - New 3DS

Unsure if you’re picking up the new Monster Hunter on the 13th, then I have good news! If you didn’t get a code to check out the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate demo a couple weeks ago, you can now grab it from your local eShop! This is a good chance to decide if you wanna grab the game and the updated New 3DS XL that comes with it if you’re buying the bundle.

I’m pretty excited for the release, personally. The new Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate adds a lot of features like multiplayer, and makes it easier for newcomers to the series.

Already played the demo? Planning to pick it up as soon as you can? Not interested? Let me know in the comments below!


Kelsey Brinson
Avid video game player and nerd extraordinaire. I play games and give people my opinions about them, sometimes while on the subway wearing a tin foil hat and sometimes on the internet! I also stream video games with help on Twitch! How thrilling!