Nintendo has launched the Beta of its Nintendo Creators program, a system they have developed to allow sharing of the ad revenue generated on YouTube content between Nintendo and the content creators. In the past, Nintendo has had a staunch stance of allowing YouTube content creators to post videos of their gaming-related content. In exchange for that privilege, Nintendo would claim all of the money generated by ads placed on the videos using YouTube’s Content ID system. This policy and stance was not well received by the YouTube community, and Nintendo listened to the concerns and said they would try to address them.
With those concerns in mind, Nintendo developed this program to share the ad revenue by allowing content creators to register their work with Nintendo in several ways. One way is to register videos on a video-by-video basis, meaning you would not have to give Nintendo access to all of your content should you, for example, do non-gaming related videos, as well. This option would give users a 60/40 split with 60% coming back to the creators from Nintendo. The second option allows creators to register their whole channel granting a 70/30 split. However, it states that it would all need to be approved Nintendo-related content, as they would be claiming all video work on that channel. So, if you did other work, it would automatically be claimed.
Opinions on the new program seem very split. Many people see YouTube-related content as transformative work, adding commentary and unique gameplay creating a different experience for the viewer. Creating new work that the content creators should receive 100% of the revenue generated from, since they already gave Nintendo their cut when they purchased the game, as well as any other additional sales Nintendo may have accumulated from the free publicity generated by the content creator. Others feel that the vast majority of this content are users stealing copyrighted material to use for their own profit, comparing examples such as RiffTrax and Mystery Science Theater 3000. Or the example to need to license music for TV or movie use, and that just the act of purchasing the game does not give you the right to stream it in its entirety, the same way you cannot stream a movie or song just because you bought the DVD or CD.
Other concerns are reviews, and why Nintendo should get a cut of profit from YouTube when no other medium has to share its profits. You wouldn’t see a gaming magazine have to share a portion of its profits for doing a review showing images of the game. In fact, quite the opposite. Gaming companies usually give out free advanced copies for review purposes, as well as buying ad space in the magazine. They give the magazine money for the review in a way, quite the opposite of this YouTube plan. However, is that an issue with Nintendo’s plan or, rather, the way YouTube currently employs its Content ID system to manage everything, putting Nintendo in the position to make money from others’ reviews? Reviews should still remain protected and not have to be registered with Nintendo, but that is a system YouTube itself needs to fix, while it seems Nintendo is aiming for this program to fix more “Let’s Play”-related content, while reviews happen to be collateral damage.
The system is now currently in live Beta for users in the US and Japan, and the sign up, as well as other information, can be found here.