If you were one of the people who wanted one of these lovely limited edition Majora’s Mask New 3DS systems, you were probably plenty frustrated with recent events. However, as confirmed by numerous posters on NeoGAF, Best Buy is now cancelling orders on people who ordered more than one of this item. Those people are left with only one of this item pre-ordered as a result. Yes, it sucks if you were legitimately ordering more than one of these for family members and whatnot. If so, you have the lowly scalpers to thank for that.
This move will have stock replenishing, but there is one big question still to be answered. When will the Majora’s Mask Limited Edition New 3DS be available for pre-order again? Sadly, there is no word on this as of yet, so only time will tell.
The fact that this limited edition 3DS does not come with a copy of the game in North America is rather unfortunate. It would’ve been a good excuse to get the limited edition of the game that comes with the Skullkid figurine. Sadly, you can’t at the moment (again, due to overly limited supplies and scalpers coming out of the woodwork). They ought to limit orders on this item as well. Both of these items have been troublesome in terms of availability, as have some amiibos. Supply is simply not satisfying demand, although it would be much more so without all of the scalpers.

For both the Limited Edition Majora’s Mask New 3DS and the limited edition of the game itself, there is also still the possibility that there will be another shipment from Nintendo. Hopefully, this will be the case so people who want it can get it at the regular price rather than getting it at super-inflated scalper pricing. Please DO NOT do that though. Encouraging scalpers is a bad idea, unless you like paying crazy prices for stuff. Trust me, I saw a Majora’s Mask Limited Edition New 3DS on Amazon for $900…
If you want either of these items, there’s really nothing you can do but wait and see if they become available again. There’s still a while left before the launch date, so don’t give up hope just yet. It was insane how fast they sold out (not to mention very disappointing for fans who wanted one). Thanks, scalpers…