Plenty of Fishies is a single and multiplayer survival game by Nitrolic Games. You play as an adorable clown fish and your goal is essentially to survive the perils of the deep, vast ocean. The game contains a wide array of modes that are sure to jazz up any party that you might have or if you want to just have some solo action.
There are three modes in the game making it diverse in how you play. There are single player and multi player modes and they both play differently. In single player adventure mode, there are 5 levels. You start your epic journey in the reef, surrounded by a multitude of creatures. Your goal is to eat up the smaller ones and grow your fish so that you can eat bigger fish than the ones you ate before. Eventually, you work your way up to being the king fish. However, it should be noted that there are different goals in every level so it’s important that you follow the on screen directions. You also amass points during this and the player with the highest points wins!

The second mode is called “Flippy Fish.” Oh, yes. It had to be done in this game, too! If you’ve played “Flappy Bird” then you’ll be well acquainted with how to play this mode. If you’re not familiar, then listen closely: You have to navigate your fish through the level and you attain points along the way. Your goal is to capture as many points as possible by traversing past goal points. This is a very reflex demanding mode so be sure you’ve had your daily dose of caffeine for the day as it might help you to achieve the King of the Ocean victory. You are also able to post your results on the Miiverse so you can compete with other players to some extend.

The third mode is called “Egg Survivor.” In this mode, you are given six eggs that you have to protect with your life. You can eat other fish in the area without worrying about your size with the exception of the evil and vindictive barracuda!
In the multiplayer modes of the aforementioned modes, it’s pretty much the same thing except with players. It should be noted that this is only a local multiplayer game as online play is not possible at this time. Perhaps in a future release online mode will be implemented.
You can get more information on Nitrolic Games website. Plenty of Fishies is due to release on the Nintendo Wii U eShop on December 18th, 2014 and will cost $5. So if you’re into party games or just want something that’s quick and fun to play, be sure to check this title out!