What better way to close Smashing Saturdays than a final top 15 list of Most Wanted Brawlers? It is especially relevant since we know that Mewtwo DLC is an actual thing, and that opens up the possibility of more DLC characters in the future. Take a look, Smash fans! Listed in alphabetical order, for your reading convenience.
I’ll be honest. As much as I enjoyed Xenoblade Chronicles, I NEVER expected Shulk to make an appearance in Smash. But it was with that in mind that I wondered about the possibility of the other protagonists from the oprainfall trio to be playable in the next Smash Bros. Specifically, I really want Aeron to show up. Why, you ask? Well for one, I love the idea of a whip wielding character in Smash. Though technically it isn’t a whip (it’s a sacred chain), I want a character who can attack from long distance or up close, and trip up foes with ease. Aeron would definitely fit the bill, and is much more likely of a candidate than the members of a certain vampire slaying family… Though the case could be made that Aeron could use many other weapons, such as his Twinblades or Scythe, I prefer him sticking to his tried and true sacred chain. But best yet, Aeron would have something dear to fight for!
Aeron’s relationship with Elena colors everything he does in Pandora’s Tower, so I see it doing the same in Smash Bros. Perhaps his fear of her transformation makes him a fiercer and more unpredictable fighter, willing to do anything to win, even destroy hordes of innocent Nintendo mascots. All I know is he would make a very different and capable brawler.

I got a LOT of crap from staff about the next brawler. There are a lot of reasons to hate Amy Rose, after all. She’s psychotic, obsessed and violent. But on the other hand, all those tendencies could also make her a great fighter! Plus, the giant hammer doesn’t hurt. Though Dedede does have us covered in the hammer department, I feel Amy would bring a lot to the game. She would be faster than the penguin king, for one. She would also help fill out the ranks of unique female fighters. AND she would provide another character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series to Smash! Though some might feel Tails or Knuckles would fit the roster better, I just don’t see either of them playing that differently from Sonic. Plus, the argument could be made that Amy Rose would be another villain on the roster. Either way, I’d like to see her happen.
This next choice should be readily apparent if you are any sort of Mega Man fan. Just as Mario has his Wario, Kirby his Meta Knight or even Pit has his Dark Pit, so does Mega Man have his dark opposite, and his name is Bass. He is the dark opposite of Mega Man in practically every way–he even has a dark version of Rush named Treble. But whereas Mega Man is plucky and devoted to saving mankind, Bass is selfish and only devoted to himself, and his goal to become the most powerful robot in existence. He also has many attributes that could differentiate him from Mega Man in Smash, such as his ability to fire in multiple directions, the capacity to double jump and a powerful dash move. Better yet, he has a Final Smash of sorts already!
In both Mega Man 7 and 8, Bass teams up with his lupine hound Treble to merge into a super powered Treble Boost form. Gifted with flight and more powerful energy blasts, this form would translate very easily to Smash, akin to Charizard or Lucario’s Mega Evolution Final Smashes. God knows we need more villains in Smash, as well, and few spring to mind as quickly as good old Bass.

Nintendo needs to capitalize on Bayonetta 2, and what better way than by having Bayonetta be playable in the next Smash Bros.? Granted, I would love her to be playable DLC in the current Smash for the 3DS and Wii U, but I don’t know how likely that option is. Regardless, it really seems like a no brainer for this bad ass witch to be a fighter. I mean, she has a giant arsenal of crazy weapons, ranging from guns to swords to scythes and more, so she won’t lack potential ways to wail on foes. Better yet, since she gets new costume options in the Wii U version of Bayonetta, those could be alternate costume selections for her! Can you imagine the humiliation of beating foes while dressed up as Peach or Fox?

If that wasn’t exciting enough of a prospect, take a second to consider how epic her Final Smash could be! It would invariably involve summoning a giant monster or monsters to fight as her proxy, and would be chaotic and violent. While they would likely tone down the decapitations and torture attack aspect of her repertoire, I see no reason why Bayo couldn’t make a unique and fun addition to the Smash Bros. roster.

This next one may seem like somewhat of a stretch, but bear with me. The latest Smash Bros. installment has made it readily apparent that Sakurai and Co. want to continue their trend of paying tribute to classic video game icons, and I can think of few as deserving as Hudson Soft’s lost mascot. Many of you are probably debating it just on the merits of how he would play, but I direct you to how many attacks Bomb Kirby has in recent Kirby games by way of rebuttal. He has TONS of ways to toss bombs, and I see no reason why Bomberman couldn’t do something similar. Hell, he could even do Kirby one better by charging bombs to gigantic size before tossing them, or even by using a variety of gimmick bombs, such as Gravity, Ice or many more seen in Bomberman 64. But I would be remiss if I didn’t reference one other Bomberman title to complement his repertoire…

Yes, that game is Saturn Bomberman for the Sega Saturn. This beloved entry in the series had, bar none, the best multiplayer of the entire series, as well as introducing an animal riding mechanic to make things even more hectic. For his Final Smash, I see good old Bomberman leaping atop his own random steed, allowing him much better maneuverability and speed while tossing bombs like a madman. Even Mario and Yoshi would be jealous!