Today’s episode of Celestial Method is brought to you by talking out your problems so you don’t inconvenience other people for no reason! Also, by the word ‘Seriously?’
Nonoka and Koharu team up and try and make a firework festival happen, both hoping it will be the thing that gets Yuzuki to actual talk to them and tell them what is on her mind. Throughout the episode, Yuzuki becomes more and more stubborn and isolated and it’s clear something is bothering her, though no one can figure out what the issue is. Her brother Shouta actually tries to talk to her and it’s clear from Yuzuki’s reaction that something that happened seven years ago is making her pull away.

Over the course of a week, Nonoka, Kotaru and Shouta do there best to organize a fireworks festival. With the saucer sitting right over the lake however, no one will let a bunch of middle schoolers purchase or use fireworks. As the three of them work hard, we get to see Yuzuki realize how her behavior has been affecting other people around her. It looks more like she’s stuck in a loop of depression. I’m glad it’s finally over, personally. I’m not saying it felt out of place or not well done, but it was definitely like an arc I was hoping would end sooner rather than later. I can’t really say too much without dipping into spoiler territory, but I will say the end of this episode felt satisfying emotionally.

Another thing that happened this episode was Shione finally meeting Noel. While Shione also has her own emotional baggage, it’s a bit easier to handle than Yuzuki’s in my opinion, probably because it doesn’t completely go against her character. Shione is trying to understand Nonoka’s reasoning but, of course, without talking to her, it’s pretty hard to do. Instead, she decides to get some information out of Noel. Personally, I hope this means the next arc in the story will be finding out more about Noel and her magical space powers. Somehow, I think it might be more emotional scuba diving into the past.

With the Yuzuki Arc over, We have 4 out of 5 friends now on better ground than before, but Shione is still distancing herself. Hopefully on the next episode, we finally find out the answers to all of the other questions we have been asking ourselves!
Celestial Method is available to watch on Crunchyroll with new episodes coming out on Sundays at 10:30AM EDT/7:30AM PDT. Non-premium users will be able to watch episodes for free one week after it first airs.