Okay, let me be honest. I’ve been putting off writing this for a couple days. Not because I have any enmity towards the Adventures of Pip. Rather, I figured, by the time I sat down and started writing, the campaign would already be all funded. (Warning, rant incoming) WHY ISN’T ADVENTURES OF PIP FUNDED YET?!” Madness, I say! Yet, the fact remains that with about two weeks to go, Pip is just dangling off the precipice of 100% funding. So, with that in mind, I figured I’d give you some more reasons to get off your butts and check this awesome Kickstarter out.
So after playing Pip at PAX Prime, I knew I loved the game. I must have made an impression, since I was rewarded with a playable demo some time after I got back and recovered from PAX insanity. The primary difference between what I played at PAX and what I played after PAX was the controls. I got a slightly updated version that ran with keyboard and mouse controls. I have to say, though I eventually got a handle on them, they are far inferior to the controller control scheme. Luckily, they in no way represent a final control setup, just a temporary stopgap to allow me and others the chance to play Pip on their own schedule.
Actually, one other facet of the game stuck out to me more this time — the music. At PAX, there was so much noise and hustle and bustle that it was difficult to hear the soundtrack as I played. In the comfort of my own home, however, it was a completely different story, and I quickly came to appreciate the lovely tunes Jake “Virt” Kaufman has crafted for this game. They fit the mood for whatever was happening perfectly, and were delightful enough that I didn’t mind hearing them again and again as I searched every nook and cranny for lost Villagers (I still only managed to find 90% of the elusive buggers). I also came to appreciate the craftsmanship of the graphics more. It’s hard to explain, since the game uses a pixelated retro aesthetic, but the graphics of Pip are strangely beautiful.
Though I was still frustrated that I was unable to face the giant Tree boss teased at the end of the demo, I rather enjoyed the opportunity to play Adventures of Pip a second time. Now all that needs to happen is for it to get that last $4K or so in the next two weeks. (Hint hint) In the meantime, check out their site and see what you’re missing out on. Otherwise, you’ll never be able to save this beautiful princess…