Sim fans and pancake lovers crossed paths at The Lost Lake Cafe in Seattle where fun, games and free pancakes were in full affect at PAX Prime! Not only were people there dressed as my favorite simulated couple Bella and Mortimer Goth, there were the newer Sims there as well. (Pancake Bob had the time of his life I heard…)
The event was hosted by EA and Maxis to celebrate the Sims 4 being released in just a couple days. (That would be September 2nd.) In addition to free pancakes, there were also contests, giveaways and more importantly a really cute plumbob headband given to everyone that attended.
The Maxis crew even set up Create-A-Sim demo areas where people could make themselves and the people around them. How cool! However, I do hope they didn’t make the computer keyboard all sticky with syrup.
I’ve managed to get my hands (unfortunately pancake syrup free) on some cool photos from the event and my favorites will be below. If you went to PAX and attended the event, let us know if you had fun! Also, if your excited for the Sims 4 or don’t plan to touch it with a 12 foot pole, we’d love to hear your thoughts!