If you know me, then you know I am a huge fan of the whole crowdfunding scene. It may have started with Shovel Knight, but my Kickstarter obsession has branched out to many other compelling indie titles. From platformers to puzzle games to run and gun shooters, there is a wealth of great games out there, all being funded by us, for us! It’s an exciting time to be a gamer, as we have more influence and control than ever before. Thus, it is today I wanted to bring a great new Kickstarter game to your attention. That game is Aegis Defenders.
I first heard of Aegis Defenders from another game I had helped fund, called Timespinner. At that time they hadn’t officially launched yet, but were planning on it in the near future. I looked over the Aegis Defenders website, and was instantly pleased with what I saw. I may be old school, but even those unschooled in pixel art could instantly see that this is shaping up to be a beautiful game. Developed by GUTS Department, known for Anamnesis, Bloom and Aero, the game has a watercolor aesthetic that would fit in perfectly on any classic SNES game. Better yet, it has haunting music composed by the Power Up Audio team. They cite their influences as Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger and Princess Mononoke, and it shows. They have also produced prodigious tunes for other games, such as TowerFall: Ascension, Darkest Dungeon and Timespinner. Take a listen and say I’m wrong.
But while art and music are good and well, you’re probably wondering about story and gameplay, right? The basic premise of Aegis Defenders is that humanity went through another dark age, but now society is advancing with the use of ancient scavenged technology. This tech is found by Ruinhunters, such as the main characters Bart and Clu and used to fight back against a dark and menacing empire of robotic demi-gods. It’s up to you to find the legendary weapon known only as Aegis and use it to save your village.
If that sounds awesome, it’s probably because Aegis Defenders got its start as a graphic novel! So not only is it pretty and sounds great, but it has a compelling hook for a story. What of the gameplay, you ask?

Gameplay is a unique mix of tower defense and tactical platforming. Bart and Clu build defenses, explore vast ruins and unlock various character classes and abilities. Better yet, the game is going to incorporate co-op multiplayer if that stretch goal gets knocked out! Bart is the engineer, and focuses on building and repairing defenses over melee combat. That is where Clu excels, wielding a vast variety of firearms and traps. The game will throw alien monstrosities and even boss battles your way, so it will be up to you to formulate the proper strategy to win.

So here’s the thing. The game is so fantastic, it managed to get funded within 10 days of launching. So you’re probably wondering why I’m trying to get you to back it. The answer is simple–the Stretch Goals. The game might be funded, but a lot of folks will miss out if those goals aren’t reached. Though Aegis Defenders is set to launch on Windows, Mac and Steam regardless of the goals, that means it won’t hit consoles without your help.
Right now it is at the 71K mark, meaning that Achievements are almost there. More exciting is that if it hits 100K, Aegis Defenders will be available for PS4 owners. 125K unlocks the aforementioned co-op multiplayer, while hitting 150K means it will be on Wii U! That should provide plenty of incentive to back this lovely game, but if you need more, take a gander at the reward tiers.

There are plenty of varied tiers to help fans contribute at many levels. Please note all higher tiers receive previous rewards as well. If you want to stay on the cheaper end, you can back at $5 to get a exclusive wallpaper or at $15 to get the game code. For those willing to spend a bit more, you can $30 to get the Treasure Seeker, which nets you the digital OST and a digital artbook. $40 nets you Beta Access, Dev Polls and your name in the credits. If you want to go really big, $90 gets you a Kickstarter exclusive poster and $150 gets you the softcover Aegis Arcana, filled to the brim with illustrations, sketches and stories. And for the utmost tier, $5000 nets you the opportunity to design a secret in-game area AND get the Aegis Defenders T-shirt.
So there you have it. Aegis Defenders still has 21 days to go, which means a lot of time to get extra funding. I personally would love to see this lovely game on my Wii U. If you’re interested in helping out, spread the word and check out their Kickstarter page, or vote for them on Steam Greenlight. I hope we can help this game get as far as possible!