Splatoon was a surprising reveal from Nintendo during their E3 showing. A squad based shooter that looked fun, colourful, but most of all refreshing. So we thought we’d give you 10 reasons why you should be excited for the upcoming splat-a-thon.

These aren’t in any particular order, just a friendly list for you to enjoy.
1) It’s a New IP

Nintendo are often criticised for focusing too much on their more popular franchises. Mario, Zelda, Kirby, and Pokemon are always a guarantee when it comes to new iterations in their respective series. For Nintendo to introduce a new IP makes an inspiriting change. Hopefully this means we can expect more new IP’s appearing in the future… and another F-Zero (*cough*).
2) Its Focus is on Online-Multiplayer
When it comes to playing games online with your consoles, Nintendo are generally considered to be behind the times and unaware of the ever growing popularity of online play. Games such as Super Mario 3D World and Pikmin 3 seemed perfect for online multiplayer, but no such options were given. However, Splatoon’s main focus appears to be its 4 vs 4 multiplayer, which can only be realised through playing online. This is certainly encouraging to see from Nintendo, and makes us excited for their future games. (*Cough* F-Zero *cough*)
3) It Also Supports Local Multiplayer
Not everyone has the means, or enjoys, playing online together, so it’s great to hear that there’s also a choice of playing locally with friends. So far it’s been confirmed that you can have 1 vs 1 matches where one player uses the GamePad, whilst the other uses a standard controller. Furthermore, a single player game mode has been mentioned. Although we don’t have any specific details about these off-line modes, it’s certainly promising to see Nintendo cater to all types of play modes.
4) It’s a Refreshing Take on a Stagnant Idea

The primary objective in Splatoon is all about gaining the most territory. Many shooter type games have a similar mode where you must capture various areas on the playing field, whilst preventing your opponents from doing the same. It’s a fun mode, but over the years it has become stagnant and uninteresting. Splatoon’s unique take on this mode is pretty original and opens up brand new possibilities when it comes to tactics and strategy. Using ink to cover the walls and floors of the area, whilst also splatting down your opponents, gets us more excited than should be legally allowed.
5) You Play as Humanoid Squids

You can always rely on Nintendo to do something completely unexpected when it comes to character designs. To the average Joe, the idea of playing as cute character that shoots coloured ink from their super soakers, can morph into a squid, and traverse through their own coloured ink to gain ground, may seem too far out in left field. To us, it’s simply Nintendo doing what they do best.
6) It Offers Unique and Tactical Gameplay

The reasoning to morph into a squid is not just for giggles. When you are a squid, you’re able to swim through your own ink at top speeds. Not only is this handy to move along the arena at a faster pace, but you can also use this technique to swim up walls and cross through mesh fences. You can also remain stationary in your ink to camouflage yourself from any oncoming opponents. Then, when the unsuspecting enemy runs passed, you can pop up, blast them away, then sneakily melt back into your surroundings. Crafty.
7) You Have a Choice of Controls
Motion control has certainly divided a lot of gamers, especially when it comes to shooter-type games on consoles. Many still stand by the dual analogue stick controls of yesteryear, whilst some prefer the “precision” that motion controls introduced. In Splatoon, the GamePad now acts as your aiming reticule, with the left analogue stick being used to control your character. Don’t like the sound of that? Well fret not, as Nintendo have given you the choice between motion and standard type controls. Thanks, Ninty.
8) It Has an Assortment of Amusing Weaponry

A super soaker style gun, which allows you to cover your territory in rapid time. A bazooka, that causes a massive splat of ink and destruction to anyone nearby. A sniper rifle, to pick off pesky opponents in the distance. Grenades that cover large areas with ink once they’ve exploded, and what appears to be an airstrike, of your own goo (ew!), descending from the heavens and washing away all enemy ink. Pretty standard wouldn’t you say? Oh, and let’s not forget about the paint roller weapon. Genius!
9) It’s Already Creating a Buzz Online

The reveal of Splatoon was a pleasant surprise. What was even more surprising was the reactions from people through social media. During E3, Splatoon was trending on Twitter. It became highly discussed on sites, such as Reddit and Facebook. People were posting videos about it on YouTube, expressing their interest and excitement for the game. In addition to all of that, artists were creating amazing works of fan art and posting it on their DeviantArt, and Tumblr pages (see above). It’s always good news to see a game generate so much buzz over the Internet. But for a game like Splatoon, it makes it even more exciting.
10) The Music
If the official trailer is anything to go by, the music in Splatoon is going to be very exciting. The funky electric guitar, mixed with an equally funky synthesiser, gives us high hopes for an all-around funky soundtrack. Is that enough funky? Anyway, listen to the music in the trailer below and you’ll see what we mean.
So, are you excited for Splatoon? Let us know in the comments below.