It’s been two weeks since Eric, Jared and I made our journey to Boston to cover PAX East 2014. Some of us went by train, some of us flew in. One lucky dude was local, so all he had to do was take a subway or two. Jared covered PAX East last year all on his own—I thought it was only right to give the guy a few extra hands this time around. I definitely made a good decision, because we got a lot accomplished for a few days. Kind of felt like a whole week by the time we were all done!
Okay, so who did what?
As a group, we played and covered more than thirteen games from the show floor in some capacity. Eric and I did all the writing, and Jared, the media guy, took care of pictures, audio and video from the show floor. We managed to get some interviews as well—you can thank Jared for most of that handiwork, and me for being the…unofficial video interviewer guy, in most cases. We interacted with you guys thanks to the Operation Rainfall Facebook page and our other social media outlets. And last but certainly not least, we recorded daily recaps for The Downpour Podcast (special thanks to Downpour Podcast Editing Manager Randy Thompson for putting those on the site for us and giving each show a little TLC)!
It’s very rare that I get a chance to (essentially) say, “Look at all the cool stuff we did!” But you can see it all below. Let us know what you think! From the bottom of my heart, I’d like to thank Eric and Jared one more time, as well as all the publishers, developers, and awesome people we had a chance to meet on the show floor.

Hands-on Impressions
- Kero Blaster (Studio Pixel)
- Shovel Knight (Yacht Club Games) * Eric’s Game of the Show
- Astebreed (Edelweiss)
- Y2K (Ackk Studios)
- Child of Light (Ubisoft)
- Treasurenauts (Renegade Kid)
- Woah Dave (GaijinGames)
- Rex Rocket (CastlePixel) * My Game of the Show
- Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame (Team Karmaflow)
- Hyper Light Drifter (Heart Machine) * Jared’s Game of the Show
- Boot Hill Heroes Part 2 (Experimental Games)
- Chroma Squad (Behold Studios)
- Delver’s Drop (Pixelscopic)
- Interview with Jools Watsham (Renegade Kid)
- Video Interview with Ackk Studios
- Video Interview with Yacht Club Games
- Video Interview with Playism’s Josh Weatherford
- Video Interview with Studio Pixel
The Downpour Podcast Daily Recaps
Even More Cool Stuff
- Cosplay and More From the Show Floor!
- oprainfall Scores Big in Shovel Knight
- Shovel Knight Gameplay and Live Commentary
- About to Check Out A Hat in Time
* Listen for impressions in the Downpour Podcast PAX East 2014 Day 2 Recap - I Struggle Against a Boss in Rex Rocket
- Stopping by Playism One More Time
- Operation Recap: PAX East 2014