This Week in Gaming

This Week in Gaming is a new series that will showcase games releasing throughout the week across all platforms. With so many games releasing it’s easy to overlook one and miss out on something fun, or forget to budget for a game you want and end up having to wait to play it. Or is it just me that happens to? Either way, hopefully we can stop that from happening.

A few disclaimers:

  1. You may see games listed here that you wouldn’t normally find on the site. I’ll try to keep that to a minimum and not include things that are obviously not what you would expect to see on Operation Rainfall.
  2. I’ll probably miss a game here and there so be warned ahead of time that when it happens it’s not a purposeful slight to any game! If you know of a game releasing that you want me to cover send me a message via the contact us page or send me an email to and I’ll (seriously) consider it for the series.
  3. Some of these games may already be available on other platforms or will be released on other platforms later. In the interest of saving time (since this is a lengthy process) I’m going to list the platform they are currently releasing on.
  4. Prices may vary from system to system.
Game Platform(s) Publisher Release Date Price
Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan PC (Steam) bitSmith Games March 17 $4.49
Lyne PC (Steam) Thomas Bowker March 17 $3.99
Alpha Kimori Great Doubt Episode One1 PC (Steam) Sherman3D March 17 $9.99
999: The Novel iOS  Aksys March 17 $4.99
Luftrausers  PC, Mac, PS3, Vita Vlambeer March 18 $9.992
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes X360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 Konami March 18 $29.99
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster PS3, Vita Square Enix March 18 $39.99
Shin Megami Tensei iOS Atlus March 18 $7.99
Danmaku Unlimited 2 PC (Steam) Doragon Entertainment March 18 $4.993
SteamWorld Dig PS4, PS Vita – PSN, Cross Buy Image & Form March 18 (NA), March 19 (EU) $9.994, 8.99€
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z PS3, Xbox 360 Techmo Koei March 18 (NA), March 21 (EU) $59.99
Nova’s Dream iOS Appso March 19
Tales Runner PC WEBZEN March 20 Free to Play
Pokemon Battle Trozei Nintendo 3DS Nintendo March 20 $7.99
Cloudbuilt  PC Rising Star Games March 20 $19.99
The Witch and the Hundred Knight PS3 and PSN NISA March 21 (EU), March 25 (NA) $49.96
inFamous: Second Son PS4 and PSN Sony March 21 (NA & EU) $59.99
  1. I reached out to the very nice people behind Alpha Kimori Great Doubt Episode One for a quote about the game and here is what they had to say: The game is an “Anime inspired indie PC JRPG with philosophical storyline and turn based Final Fantasy style battle.” I have access to the Steam Beta and will be writing up a little something something for the Steam version in the coming week.
  2. Luftrausers has a pre-order price of $8.99.
  3. Danmaku Unlimited 2 Is $4.99 with a 20% off launch sale for the first week. Sunny Tam, the man behind the currently one man team at Doragon said this about the game when I reached out to him: “Made in Canada, but with a heart of Japan, Danmaku Unlimited 2 is a lovingly crafted indie contribution to the world of Japanese shoot’em ups.”
  4. PlayStation Plus members will receive a 20% discount on SteamWorld Dig for the first week.

Ballpoint Universe: Infinite was supposed to release the 18th on the Wii U at $4.99. However, the game has been delayed a few weeks while some bugs are worked out.

Titles listed above that will likely be reviewed by an Operation Rainfall reviewer are: The Witch and the Hundred Knight, SteamWorld Dig, Danmaku Unlimited 2  and Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD remakes. I’ll also be doing a Re: Review (or something a little different) for Alpha Kimori Great Doubt Episode One.  Do you want to see a review of any of the games listed above? Let us know and we will see what we can do!

I just realized I need to save some monies! There are a few games releasing that I want and didn’t realize were coming this week! Anyhow, keep in mind that this is a new series and will likely change for the better as we go. If you have any suggestions (would you like a small description of the games for example instead of the table?) let me know (nicely) in the comments below or to the email listed above. See you next week!

Source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Crystal Colwell
What's up everyone? Crystal here! I spend my time writing up the news for you all and keeping us all up to date with incoming game info from Japan. I do a little bit of everything else around here, too. :) Happy Reading!